System Requirements
- Internet connection 1 Mbps or better (broadband recommended)
- Speakers and microphone built-in, USB plug-in, Bluetooth wireless or professional broadcasting equipment
- Camera built-in, USB plug-in or professional camera for broadcasting

- Google Chrome version 55 and later
- Safari 9 and later (with plug-in) 11 and later (without plug-in)
- Opera version 44 and later
- Mozilla Firefox version 50 and later
- Microsoft Edge, all versions
- IE version 11 and later
- Vivaldi all versions
- Yandex version 16
The bandwidth used by ArchieBot will be optimized for the best experience based on the participants’ network. It will automatically adjust for 3G, WiFi or Wired environments.
*We do not recommend connecting by 2.4 wifi because of radio noise and bluetooth interference that can lower your connection quality
Recommended bandwidth for Online Events:
- For 1:1 video calling 500kbps (up & down)
- For group video calling: 500kbps/1Mbps (up/down)
- For screen sharing only: 50-200kbps (up/down)
- For audio VoiP: 50kbps
Recommended bandwidth for single broadcast viewers:
- For 1:1 video calling 500kbps (down)
- For screen sharing only: 50-200kbps (down)
- For external streaming source only: 0.5-1.5 Mbps (down)
- For audio VoiP: 50kbps (down)
For ArchieBot to work correctly, the following ports need to be open in your firewall:
- 443/TCP (required)
- 10000-20000/UDP + TCP (optional, recommended)
*All parameters are default and may vary depending on the configuration of the enterprise account