IT ArchieBot Enterprise Integration

ArchieBot installation in „White Label” model, under client domain:
This is the fastest and the simplest form of online meeting platform integration in the organisation. It consists in uncomplicated installation of ArchieBot platform under your own domain ex.: The maintenance and administration tasks remain on RTCLab/ArchieBot however, in the context of receiving the platform (by the partner/user), it is an integral part of the offer and the customer’s system.
Email personalization
This is an optional step to personalize the email address from which ArchieBot messages are sent to the final user, for example, a meeting invitation. You can also set your own FROM and FROM NAME fields and the content of the email messages which you send.
Branding and final accounts configuration for ArchieBot
We will offer you a complete platform branding, and then according to your comments we will make the changes. If you have your preferences or guidelines, please send them to us along with your logo and colors.
Advanced integration with API
For our customers we also offer access to the ArchieBot API. The user panel available on the ArchieBot platform uses only the options available in the ArchieBot API, which means that it is possible to execute any operation available in the ArchieBot user panel through ArchieBot API requests. At the same time ArchieBot API is not limited to functions used in the user panel.
Simple room embedding on WWW – ”Embed Code”
There is also a very easy way to embed a room on your web page by placing a short JavaScript code on your site (the so called ”EmbedCode”). “Embed Code”can be downloaded directly from the ArchieBot API or from the user panel in the ”Embed” section.In the code you only need to pay attention to the valid value of the ”license_ key” parameter which should contain the meeting ID in the format 123-456-789.
Recorder configuration
We can configure the recorder for you (resolution, fps, language, callbacks).
Storage management
The ability to manage storage from the organization – sharing catalogs, files with subaccounts.